About Me

I am a Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering at Louisiana State University, where I am developing novel sparse metric-semantic Visual Collaborative SLAM (CSLAM) frameworks for mobile robots operating in a GPS-denied, cluttered environments. Under the guidance of Dr. Corina Barbalata, Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering and Co-director of the iCORE Lab, I work with industrial-grade Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) equipped with RGB-D sensors and 3D object detection frameworks, Robot Operating System 2, and incremental SLAM in the development of near real-time, fault-tolerant CSLAM solutions. I have extensive hands-on experience in robotics software development using C++ and Python, as well as implementing CI/CD pipelines with Docker and GitHub. In addition, I have formal training in deep learning based perception systems, model predictive control and a variety of computational methods. In my spare time, I actively contribute and maintain a number of open-source projects, play video games and travel with my wife.

Seeking a Summer 2025 internship opportunity.


Résumé Résumé.pdf
Residency / Nationality U.S Permanent Resident / Bangladeshi
Affiliation Louisiana State University
Department Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Laboratory Innovation in Control and Robotics Engineering Lab
  • Visual Collaborative SLAM
  • Applied Deep Neural Networks
  • 3D Object Detection
  • Model Predictive Control and Planning
  • 3D Robotics Simulation


Python & C++


Robot Operating System (1 & 2)

Docker & Git/GitHub

Gazebo (Harmonic or newer)


Projects and Publications

(First Author)
[Conference: IEEE/ASME AIM2024] Solving Short-Term Relocalization Problems In Monocular Keyframe Visual SLAM Using Spatial And Semantic Data

[Journal: Scientific Reports] Association mining based approach to analyze COVID-19 response and case growth in the United States


[Journal: BMC Public Health] Exploring the relationship between mobility and COVID−19 infection rates for the second peak in the United States using phase-wise association


(First Author)
[Conference: IEEE ICASERT 2019] Comparison of Linear Displacement Measurements Between A Mems Accelerometer and Hc-Sr04 Low-Cost Ultrasonic Sensor


OSS ros2_orb_slam3: Native integration of ORB-SLAM3 in ROS 2

OSS clearpath_simulator_harmonic: Clearpath Simulator comes to Gazebo Harmonic

OSS python-mppi: Model Predictive Path Integral control of a 2D Differential Drive Robot

Participation Participated in NASA Space ROS Summer Spring Challenge 2024. Curiosity Rover simulated in Open 3D Engine.

Course Project niter2_python: Numba accelereted implementation of Peter Landstorm's "niter2" two-view traingulation method


Course Project piano_gen: LSTM based Critic/Composer networks for generating piano music.

Master's Thesis Anonymous Multi‑User Tracking in Indoor Environment Using Computer Vision and Bluetooth.


Course Project Collison-Free, Shortest-Path Planning in 2D Workspace using Genetic Algorithm



02/23/2024 Patent
US20240292188A1: Multimodal Indoor Positioning System

Co-inventor to a pending patent focusing on a novel multimodal approach for indoor positioning, combining spatial and sensory data to enhance GPS-denied indoor localization accuracy in challenging environments.

01/15/2023 - 12/13/2024 Award
Graduate Teaching Assistantship in the Department of MIE, Louisiana State University.
08/15/2021 - 08/15/2024 Award
NSF::NRI Award #2024795: Collaborative Mobile Manufacturing in Uncertain Scenarios

Received a graduate research assistantship through this project, which aimed to develop novel collaborative perception, SLAM, planning, and control techniques for mobile manipulators performing manufacturing tasks in GPS-denied, uncertain environments

01/15/2020 - 07/31/2021 Award
NSF Award #2027688: RAPID: Visual Analytics Approach to Real-Time Tracking of COVID-19

Recevied a graduate research assistant on this NSF-funded project, contributing to the development of visual analytics tools for real-time COVID-19 tracking. This project also funded my Master's thesis of privacy-aware multi-user positioning system using object detection and bluetooth based indoor positioning system.
